Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tough love

I recently watched an episode of Tough Love, a show I really enjoy, on this episode the ladies had to stand in front of a group of men and it was designed like a game show. The goal of the game show was to see if the men were turned off or on by the things that the women were saying. I was disgusted, for lack of a more accurate word, by this part of the episode.

 I just hate thinking that women are being told that they should always be conscious of what they're saying because it may or may not turn a person off. But on the other side there is not a show for men that teaches them how to date or puts them through scenarios that tells them if they're turning women on or off. I see where the game show was supposed to show the women on the show how to reveal positive traits about themselves before negatives as well as to teach them some other lessons.

 But what I walked away from the episode with was a bad taste in my mouth. I just don't think that women should feel like they always have to check and recheck what they're saying in order to try and turn a man on. If a guy doesn't like the way that I talk or the things that I say, then frankly, that's his problem.

This is not a job interview. I really don't like it when people say that dating is like looking for a new job, I need a job to provide for myself, I don't need a significant other for that, they're two very different things. I'm going to be myself no matter what and if that's not good enough for the average guy or if that doesn't turn them on than great, that means that they're is an extraordinary guy out there waiting for me that will be able to handle all of my quirks.

 I know that the show was created with the goal of helping women and I think in many aspects it does, but this part of this particular episode just really made me think about a lot of things. I'm still going to continue to watch Tough Love because, hey, it's a great show. I think my goal for this post is just to tell women to take the things that they see on television as a grain of salt, if it' something that you want to implement into your life than okay, but if not don't ever feel like you have too. Someone should love you for you and not for the person that you're pretending to be.

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