Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I think that when a person finds that they're in a position where they keep making the same mistakes over and over again, a change of scenery is necessary.

I think that when a person can't seem to escape the rules and expectations of the people around them and can't seem to live their own life, a change of scenery is necessary.

I think that when a person wants to start over, become the person that they always wanted to be, take a break from the people they know and get to know themselves again, then a change of scenery is necessary.

This time next week, I will be in Denver, Colorado. Not sure where I'm staying yet, or what my schedule will look like, or what my first day will be like, but I'll be in Denver.

Denver has the cleanest air. Whenever people ask me what I like the most about Denver, the first thing that comes to my mind is how clean the air is. The altitude makes visitors thankful for oxygen and reminds you how important it is to our daily functions of life.

I think humans are so accustomed to breathing that when it's hard for us to breathe it's really difficult to grasp. When I first went to Denver it was hard to breathe because I wasn't used to being at such a high altitude. Now whenever I think about being back in Denver, in a week, I breathe a little easier. When I get off that plane the first thing I'm going to do is inhale so deep.

I'm going to miss my family so much and the fact that my parents are struggling with the move makes it hard for me, I'm sure I've said this before, but it just makes it that more important that I'm brave and take a leap of faith.

I need to be in Denver. I need to just be outside of Pennsylvania and the East Coast for a while, to breathe a little easier and to figure myself out again. For some reason my time in Up With People, really helped me to better get to know myself. It helped me to see what I'm made of and exactly how much I can handle.

I'm sure I'll cry on the plane to Denver, as I say bye to my family and friends, but once I get there I plan to jump into life. Run, with my eyes closed, into what is waiting for me.

I'm so ready for this move, as scared as I may be, it doesn't matter because this is my life and I need to do this. I'm so ready, May 29th can't come fast enough.

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