Sunday, October 23, 2011

Self worth

When I joined Up With People, I knew that I would make lasting friendships. That I would meet people that, if I let them, would change my whole entire world. I told myself that I needed to make sure I opened up, that I let my heart hang open and that I filled it with all the wonderful people that I met. Well, thankfully I was able to do that and I can honestly say that my life has been changed for the better.

I've made so many friends that I never want to live without having them in my life. The coolest part though is that I've made male friends that have taught me so many things about myself and life unconsciously. For the first time in my life I have guy friends that actually respect me and show their respect for me through their actions.

They compliment me for no reason, listen to me when I need to talk, they can tell when I'm upset and I can joke and laugh with them without feeling like I'm the punch line of all of the jokes. Once you get a taste of what it's like to be treated like you're worth something, like you're valuable just because of who you are, it's something that you just can't live without.

Now I know what's it's like for someone to hug me, looking into my eyes with their hands staying on my waist and for them to just listen to me when I talk and actually be responsive and pay attention to what I'm saying. I know what it's like for someone to tell me that I'm beautiful and not expect me to do something afterwards, it feels nice to receive compliments just because.

I was so focused on the chase and having a guy that played hard to get and made me work for everything. But really, it feels so nice to be assured and know where you stand with a person. That doesn't make things boring in anyway shape or form instead it makes you feel safe and makes you more comfortable to share with that person and to open yourself up to them.

I feel like I've gotten a taste of the good life and I really like it. I know what it's like to be shown the utmost respect and it's something that I want to happen for now on. Thank you so much Lord for letting me experience this. I'm so grateful, so thankful, I can really say how much this experience has changed my outlook on life and even the way I view myself.

I actually feel valuable now, I feel like I deserve respect. I'm a beautiful, talented and caring person and I deserve the same respect that I give other people. I feel really great right now. <3333