Friday, February 21, 2014

The responsibility of youth.

I've got tons of loose change
And not a single jar to put it in

Dollars for days
But no concrete dreams to devote them too

Ideas in my brains
Pitching tents cause they know they'll never leave my mind
covered in dust
the shiny ones developing rust
never spoken, only dreamed.

My teachers said I had potential
All my chances lined up on a shelf
but I just sit here in this run down town
wishing for the things
That I have the ability to give myself.

I'm a lazy
bad excuse for a young person in an old world
Full of "what ifs" and "could have beens"
surrounded by opportunities and open doors.

They say to me "this world is yours."
Here's your chance to take
But I just hand it back to them thinking...
What if I don't want it?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hats off to the complacent.

If I had all the money in the whole world

I'd put it in a jar

The jar would be lined with our transgressions

and sealed with our sins.

The letter I'd attach to it

would hold all the secrets we've told

with your anger as the punctuation

and my sadness as the closing.

I wouldn't put the jar into the ocean

or a river

or lake

Instead, I'd place it in a hole.

When I was little my friends would say

"lets dig a hole to China"

and even though we knew it wasn't logical

we always tried.

So just like the illogical

We tried to defy reality

and just like the hole to Asia

things never lined up.

So cheers to the complacent

the content

and the satisfied.

Hats off to the ones who always thought we were fine

Because fine we were not

and together we shouldn't be

and alone with myself is the best place for me.

non complacent, unsatisfied and not content with mediocre love

because out of all the things in the world that are plain

love should always eliminate even the darkest shades of grey.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

And maybe love is the reason why...

If the sun ever forgets to rise and tell you that you're beautiful.
That you're loved.
I'll whisper it in the wind so that it never leaves your ears.