Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I have to write this before I forget.

Today a teacher told me that I was dynamic. He said that the minute I walked into the room he saw a light around me and that I had an aura that radiated thirty feet. He said that he just wanted me to know that I was dynamic and that I had a light that shined.

I get compliments a lot. I don't mean that in a conceited or arrogant way but if I'm being honest with myself people compliment me often. Whether it's about the show that I was a part of or my clothes or something like that I feel like I'm very accustomed to hearing them, but today I got the kind of compliment that feeds your soul.

So a few students and I were facilitating a classroom activity and it started off well and had times where it was a little rough. But in the end we got through it and we ended up having the most in depth question answer session that I've ever had in a classroom.

After the class was over I expected the teacher to just say bye to us and say thank you for coming but instead he laid that grand speech on me. At first I wanted to kind of not take it to heart but then I realized how sincere he was being and it really hit my heart.

When he started to cry I had this moment of divinity and it was the first time in my life that I felt like I was received and perceived as a true vessel for the Lord.

I feel so empowered and excited for what the Lord has in store for me. That's all folks!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Award Season

"After you it stops," he said

With a coffee in his hand and a grin on his lips

Your the last one for me

The last lips that will ever touch mine

"After you it stops."

But instead it didn't and somehow we did

And the promise turned into sentences that reminded me of the pain

And the looks that felt like heaven now burn like acid rain

"Because of you, I'll straighten up," he said.

As he walked in....late again.

"You'll make a man out of me."

But instead nothing was made

And the picture stayed the same

 and the only thing that changed was the frame

I think I may be to blame

I'm a reflection of the mistakes I've made and the ones I choose

And you're the example of all that went wrong

When I thought I found a good one.

Do you think?

That in the end you realize that it was all just a test

And the lies were lines of a script to an Oscar winning play...

And your tragic ending was the plot that won.

Maybe congratulations are in order instead of a slew of "I'm sorry."

Keep your sympathy at bay and instead hand me a band aid

And a pat on the back

"I hope this never ends," He said.

I replied, "it probably will."

One of us was right

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I agree with Gaga....

“Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you any more.” ― Lady Gaga

For once I agree with Gaga, but not in a cynical all men are the same way. More of a, love yourself first, kind of way. 

I think that society attaches a very large stigma to women who are more focused on their careers compared to settling down and getting married. I think that if you have a goal, a dream, that you should chase it and nothing should be able to stand between you and your dream. 

If you want to get married, that's awesome go for it. If you don't right now and you want to wait until you've reached a certain level of success, than I think that's awesome as well. 

I disagree with Gaga in the way that I believe that when you find the right person you don't have to worry about them leaving and saying that they don't love you any more  The right person, the one that was made for you, will be there through thick and thin and will support you as you chase your dreams. 

Do what you love and love who you do it with and until you can have both at the same time don't settle for less. Life is too short to be anything but blissfully happy,of course there are times of sadness but at the core of things you should just be happy. 

Follow your dreams and when you meet the person you're meant to be with, don't follow them but instead walk next to them and enjoy the journey together. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

If I don't do it, who will?

"If you hear this message, wherever you stand. Calling every woman, calling every man. We're the generation, can't afford to wait, the future started yesterday, we're already late."

I think that most Americans are given a lot of information about something that is going on in the world at one point in their life. What I mean by that sentence filled with confusion and that alludes a lot, I think that the average person at one point in their life is given a presentation about an epidemic or issue going on in the world that they have the power to help or change in some way.

In my own life, I've done research and heard presentations on Abortion, human trafficking, sexual abuse and so many other things. But besides doing papers and speeches on Abortion in college I can't say that I've grabbed on to one cause and really fought for it in my life.

There are people that hear about something wrong that is going on in the world and it immediately fuels them to join the fight. They become activists and they put so much of their energy into ending injustice and others issues that are going on in the world.

I respect those kind of people so much.

Today I heard a speech about Human trafficking and I couldn't help but think over and over again that why hasn't anyone done anything. Why are things like this still going on? Why is it that so many people are aware that things like this are going on but yet they stand back and do nothing?

I'm not even angry when I think about it, it's more about being genuinely concerned. I'm concerned about why some people in the male population think that women don't have value. They not only don't have value, but they don't have value to the point where they're being treated as objects. They're being treated like animals.

I was told today that women caught up in human trafficking are called stable girls. Which just made me so sad. You put animals in a stable, not people.

I just find that I feel a very strong sense of conviction. I need to find a cause that I hit the ground running for. There are just too many bad things going on in the world and I, goodness, we as a world should find what speaks to our hearts and fight for that issue.

When I was a student in Up With People we had a song called, One person, and it's moments like this that that song floods my brain. It really takes one person to take an idea and flourish it and make it into a movement that changes the lives of millions.

I want to be the change. The world needs us to be the change. The future is starting now and we're already late.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Literature - As told by Tumblr

Literature duplicates the experience of living in a way that nothing else can, drawing you so fully into another life that you temporarily forget you have one of your own. That is why you read it, and might even sit up in bed till early dawn, throwing your whole tomorrow out of whack, simply to find out what happens to some people who, you know perfectly well, are made up.

Barbara Kingsolver