Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Angels in the Outfield

When I was in the eighth grade a lot of things changed in my life. I was thirteen and I was dealing with how life is different as a teenager, I was about to enter high school and my sister was pregnant and I  was going to be an aunt soon. I went through so many changes that year, I just wanted things to go back to the way that they used to be, I didn't want anything to change. So I bottled myself up and just closed myself off to the world.

Thankfully there were many things that intervened and helped me come out of that hard place in my life. One of those things, believe it or not, was the movie Angels in the outfield. I would fall asleep to this movie every single night and it reminded and helped me to believe in something more in life. It seems so silly that a movie, a children's movie, can give someone hope but it did for me.

Months later my nephew was born, I turned 14 and life changed for the better. I watched that movie again tonight and I was reminded of the hard times I had that year but I was also reminded of all of the beautiful things that came out of that year as well.

Life is full of ups and downs, you win and sometimes you lose, but no matter what you always have to believe in something bigger and stronger than you. Believe that there is someone that wants the best for you. Everything will be fine in the end because there is someone that is making sure of it.

There are always Angels in your outfield.

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