Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The haunting of 24

In ten days I will, for the third year in a row, celebrate my birthday outside of my own country and without my twin brother. The beginning part is awesome and the latter sucks. I have really had quite the whirlwind of a life and where it has taken me and where I am right now is exactly where I want to be and not at all where I had planned to be.

When I celebrated my birthday in the exact same place where I am right now two years ago, I never really thought that I would ever come back. But here I am, almost exactly two years to the date and my life has just continued to grow and improve so much.

I'm not sure as a kid where I told myself I would be at 24. I imagine hoping that by now I wouldn't have to share birthdays with my twin anymore and be able to have my own day, but instead I'm wishing he were here so that we could celebrate together.

Many women run from the daunting idea of growing older...aging. But I welcome it with open arms, with age comes wisdom and more years on this beautiful earth and those are both things that I value and hope to never take for granted. I know that this is just the beginning of how incredible, hard and unpredicatable my life is going to be and just like 24 I look forward to it affectionately!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Paint and pictures

I used to think that when I got in my twenties I would have it all figured was I wrong.

Life is like a candy store, that is different for every single person and sometimes you walk through the door and it's all of a sudden a bread shop and no longer a candy store.

Yeah, it's like that.

When I think of my future and what it holds for me I imagine a blank canvas with colorful stitching around the border. There are only two types of stitching but they're both extremely different and the difference are both made up of things that I enjoy. I know that depending on what I decide to fill the canvas with I'll have to change the stitching, pick one or the other.

I feel as if I should be slightly uncomfortable with the blankness of my canvas but instead I'm intrigued by what will end up covering it. Will it be something that I never expected that incorporates both stitching or will it be a plan that ends with a picture and not a painting. That might not make much sense but that's so accurate of what the future is like.

I believe in creating your own future and not waiting for fate to just take you somewhere but I also believe that life happens and sometimes plans what will happen and what might change while I'm busy making plans?

Not sure.

What I'm very sure of though, is that I'm going to have an awesome life and that's what is important to me, the rest are just the details and I'll figure those out when they come.