Sunday, July 28, 2013


Stop being mean and start respecting yourself and the people around you...

My least favorite thing! Don't be that person.

Friday, July 26, 2013


I read something recently on a blog that I came across and it touched me. It hit me in one of those places that makes you stop and realize how similar we are in this world. We're so alike that someone in another country, of a different gender, who has never met me, was able to size a certain part of me up in just a few small simple sentences.

He said "I fall in love all the time. With music, film, poetry. A smile. A bum. But rarely the whole of someone."

So true. If you've met me in person or spent any real time with me, you'll know that I say the word love a lot. Not necessarily in regards to people but more so things. I love the rain and hugging trees and I love my computer and I love the way my bed at home engulfs me after a long day. I love opening mail and sending long emails to friends, I love writing get the point. I love things and not in a superficial "you can't really love those things kind of way," but in a real smile inducing, heart touching, love filled way. I'm a lover.

But as the quotation above says and grounds me so firmly with, is the idea that, yes, I do fall in love all the time, but rarely and so far never with the whole of someone.

I love his determination but I hate the way he smiles at things that aren't really that funny. His passion makes me want to go out and change the world but his lack of respect for his own body makes me doubt his judgement. His love for children, reminds me of why I want to be a mother so badly, but the way he treats people who hurt him makes me want to never be on his bad side.

See, there's always a reason and though the ones above aren't all attached to the same person they are all connected to the same concept of loving one part but completely rejecting the others.

I heard someone say once that real love is being able to not only deal with but accept someone's faults. I think I can safely say that I have yet to come across that kind of love romantically and that's okay, totally okay with me.

But I do find it interesting that something I bring up on a daily basis, love, I have such a hard time giving fully to others. But I don't think I was ever so consciously aware of it until now and now that I'm aware it's up to me to decide if I actually want to change or not.

Decisions, decisions.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Those that rest in peace

I'm from a generation that has become desensitized to violence and death. We have violently graphic and realistic video games that make kids think that you can shoot someone one minute and after pressing restart, play again with that same person.

We see movies where people are brutally murdered by vicious serial killers for no reason and by the end we realize the only plot line and focus of the movie is violence. We hear about people getting killed on the news on a daily basis and only when it seems really wrong are their uproars and protests.

I'm so sad. So unbelievably sad by the trend of the disregard for human life, in media. I found myself so sad this week reading about people who have passed away and I felt weird about being sad. Then I realized it's unnatural not to be sad about the lose of a human life.

life is so valuable, the most valuable thing anyone will ever have and when they lose that, even if you don't know them, that's devastating. Living in a society where someone dies and a week later we're making jokes about it, to I don't know, deal with the pain or continue with the trend hurts me to my heart.

I could go on and on about the way I see life and how that view has been influenced by my generation and how it directly conflicts with how my parents raised me but, that would take forever. Instead I just want to make a plea, to all the people that read this and anyone that may bring it up to their friends, human life is valuable. I'm valuable, you're valuable and every person you pass on the street has value.

The only way we will ever grow passed the pain and the hurt that we cause each other is by learning the value that we have and from that I think that we'll start to acknowledge the value in others.

Love is the movement.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Grin and bear it

I believe that happiness is one of the hardest things to come across. Everyone, literally everyone in this entire world wants to be happy and if someone tells you that they don't they're a big fibber. So it's something that everyone is after and there's enough to go around and for each person it comes in different forms...but yet so many people are unhappy.

So many people have yet to find what fills them with real happiness. The kind of happiness that even when things are going horrible can make you feel warmth, the kind of warmth that starts in the bones and spreads outward.

So many search for their happiness in others, putting their precious time and priceless love into the undeserving just hoping for a glimpse of what real happiness is. It makes me so sad seeing all of the children in the world that go unloved. It hurts me to see adults that walk down the street living their unfulfilled lives going to jobs they don't like doing things they're not passionate about...too afraid to leave the unfamiliar to find true happiness.

I am so inspired by the people that take unbelievably big risks in order to be happy. The people who propose to their significant others on live television praying and hoping that they'll say yes. Those people who jump out of planes for a living, literally risking their lives everyday to jump out of a plane, because it makes them happy.

I think that's why so many people turn to drugs and alcohol because it fills that place for them and when they finally realize it's only a temporary fix they find themselves knee deep in addiction.

Happiness, it's defined as being "a state of well being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy," even the definition is beautiful.

Whatever it is that makes you happy, whatever fills you with that intense joy that overflows in your soul and seeps from your after it. Consume yourself in the things that make you happy and live a life worth living. People say that life is too short to be unhappy, well I say life is long and beautiful and you deserve to spend every last second of it immensely happy.

Don't grin and bear anything...instead just grin. Be happy.