Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sweet Words

Today my dad had a ten minute conversation with me, it was about family and things that are going on in our lives right now. But one thing he said to me really stuck in my mind, he said "before you can achieve success, you have to make a picture of where you want to be in life and always chase after it.'

Recently I've really begun to realize what I want to be in the future and the ways that I can achieve it. So today when my dad said that to me, it just reinforced in my that I'm doing something right. There are a few things that I really want to achieve in the next few years. Actually, let me reword that, there are a few things that I know that I am going to achieve in the next five years.

Number 1. I want to graduate college. In two years when I receive my Bachelors degree from Cedar Crest College I will be the first person in our family since my parents, to graduate from college. I can't wait to see my parents faces as I receive my diploma and they see that all of their hard work has payed off.

Number 2. I want to move to New York City. The fall after I graduate I plan to move to New York City with a few of my closest friends. I'm actually at the point where even if I have to move alone, I'm moving to New York City. All of the things that I wish to do in the future are located in New York. So when I graduate I'm hoping on a bus or a train or even walking if I have to...all the way to NYC.

Number 3. I want to work for the New York Times. I've decided that I want to pursue a career in journalism. It's the job that would fit me best I believe. The place that I wish to flourish and grow as a writer is The New York Times. I want to write for their Arts section, or anywhere they want me to write. I'm not prejudice.

Number 4. I want to perform on Broadway. There is a very large part of my heart that can't let go of my love for theater. I thirst for it deep in my soul, there's just something about it, I love it. I love being on stage and performing and I know that I would be perfect for Broadway, so they better get ready because I'm on my way.

Number 5. I want to be financially stable. In five years I want to be in the position to not only support myself financially 100% but also be able to help my family and friends with whatever they need. I want to be able to fly my parents out to all of my shows, and even around the world for their anniversary. I want to be in the position where I can take my friends on random shopping sprees and not have to worry about the bill. I want to be financially fit.

Number 6. I want to fill the world with the name of Jesus Christ. I want every single person on this earth to have the chance to fall in love with their lord and savior. I want everyone to feel the inner peace that always consumes me in my time of need. Everyone deserves to know God and I would love to introduce them.

Now there are many points in my life where I've made choices and decisions that didn't directly line up with the goals I have for my future. I didn't write as much as I should have even though I want to be a journalist. I didn't save as much as I should have even though I want to be financially set. I didn't pray as much as I should have even though I want to be a crusader for Christ. I didn't sing and dance as much as I should have even though I want to be on Broadway. Lastly I didn't prepare as much as I should have even though I want to move to NYC.

Well that's all about to change. No longer will I allow myself to be blinded by the things of this world that aren't going to progress and push my life into the direction that I would like it to go. I'm done with living in a moment that leads to tears, or fighting for a person that God doesn't want me to be with. I'm praying that the lord will grab hold of my hand and never let go. But instead, rock me in his arms and show me the path that I should take. I'm harboring and cherishing all the sweet words that have led me to this conclusion. My life is precious and grand and it's time for me to start living it right.

Over and Out. Nik.

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