Monday, May 17, 2010

Running from boys

So I made a pact right, so this pact pretty much says that for the time being, I Nicole R. Magloire, will stay away from guys and focus on my relationship with God and the other more important things in my life. Now one would think that pact would be easy to uphold, right? WRONG!!

Ever since I sat down and really decided that this is what I wanted to do, I've faced nothing but hardships and it's only been a few days. Honestly, it's like all of a sudden all of these beautiful examples of men are flying out of the wood work and trying to tempt me to take a little detour from my pact.

Today for example, I met this absolutely gorgeous guy in a waiting room. Unfortunately for me the only empty seats left in the room were either to the left or right of him. Being the girl that I am, I took the seat to the right. Well once I sat down this gorgeous man started giving me the eye. What did I do you ask? I grabbed a book and buried my face in it.

What else was I supposed to do, if I looked up he would have captured me with his purple shirt tattoos and fitted jeans. Ughhhhhh I feel like more people should have warned me about how hard this would be.

Well I've pretty much made up my mind that no matter what I'm going to focus my life on God. So for the next few months if I'm left burying my head in books and literally running from guys than so be it. All that means is that I'll be ten times smarter from all the reading I'll be doing, and maybe a few pounds lighter from all my running. =]

Over and Out. Nik

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