Saturday, May 15, 2010

My face

Have you ever just sat and studied your face.Taken a few minutes to look at the first thing people see when they meet you. Have you ever taken time to look into your own eyes to see if what you see surprises you.

Today I was bored so I took a few pictures using my webcam. I then uploaded them on to facebook as I usually do. They were all pretty normal to me, at the same level as the majority of pictures that I take, but a few in particular caught my eye. These few pictures in question, were beautiful.

Now let me just slip in a little disclaimer, I have never in my entire life considered myself as beautiful. I've thought of myself as cute and pretty on a good day, but never beautiful or gorgeous until now.

I looked at the pictures and I was shocked by my face. When did I become beautiful? Not just that, but when did I become confident in my appearance. The person that was staring back at my in those pictures was not someone that I am accustomed to seeing. The picture had captured a person who believed she was beautiful and didn't need anyone else to confirm it for her.

I don't think that over night my face has changed or the contour of my face has suddenly become more attractive, but there's something different about my face. I made a decision today that I am seriously going to chase after God and make him number one in my life. I am going to stray away from men and dating and feeling like I need someone in my life in order to feel valuable.

I'm on my way to being happier than I have ever imagined. Already I can feel myself becoming more confident and cheerful because I now know that I have nothing to prove. I don't have to try and be prettier than my friends or the girls around me, all I have to do is be me. I'm special and priceless when I truly let the world see the real me, not the facade I put on to try and fit in.

Today I looked in the mirror and I studied my face, I looked into my own eyes and saw a person that is on a road to real fulfillment. The kind of fulfillment that doesn't last a day, but instead lasts a lifetime. I'm in love with the person that God is preparing me to be, and I'm in no rush to pursue a relationship with a guy anytime soon.

For now on I'm not settling for the cute guy that is a nice dresser but doesn't know the Lord. Or the really hot guy who says he's a Christian but isn't living the life. I'm going to focus on myself and the things that I need to fix about me. Then I won't even be distracted by all of these people that aren't right for me, and I also won't allow myself to waste my time with someone who is half the man that I want.

Hi I'm Nicole Magloire and in case you didn't know, I'm beautiful.
Over and Out. Nik.

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