Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's a funny feeling, the feeling that starts in your chest and moves through the rest of your body.

You're driving down a road and your exit, or turn or whatever comes up and you almost don't take it. A part of you just wants to keep driving.

What's ahead of me if I just keep driving and don't look back?

There's a certain kind of fear that comes when you realize that the thing/ person that you've been trying to get away from is yourself. It's so scary when you're faced with situations where you literally have to spend hours upon hours with a person that you don't know if you really like that much, yourself.

I had to do that this week. I had a lot of alone time and reflection time and at first I was literally terrified. What was I going to do by myself? I'm happy to say that it actually ended up being a lot better than I thought it would be.

I think that when you move or go somewhere, where you don't really know a lot of people, it's imperative that you get to know yourself. Especially if you're family isn't around, you need to realize that no matter who lets you down or doesn't come through for you in this new place that you always have yourself, and as small as it may sound it's actually really big.

 To know that I can depend on myself, and know that when hard times come I won't break, that's a very refreshing feeling. I know that my family will always be there for me, but if something, like distance, stands in between them being right there, then I have myself.

Sometimes you have to be your own shoulder to cry on, your own hand up. It's not called being lonely or being a loser or anything silly like that, I think I would refer to it as being self reliant and self sufficient.

Who can you rely on when you can't even rely on yourself? It's a devastating feeling to be disappointed in yourself, but it's also an amazing feeling to know that you can count on yourself as well.

Okay, that's enough. I feel like I'm rambling a little now, but I think you get the point.

I'm here in Denver and I'm learning something new everyday. Whether it has to do with my job or the people around me, or myself and I feel like I'm continuously being pushed past my comfort zone and it's a great feeling.

I feel so blessed, so very blessed. Goodnight folks.

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