Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chick Flicks.

I'm a very blessed young lady. These last two weeks, I've been lucky enough to watch these really awesome movies that have kind of taught me about myself.

I watched, Runaway Bride, Something borrowed, Crazy Stupid Love and other chicks flicks those are just the ones that jump out in my memory.

The main character in Runaway bride reminded me so much of myself. She was constantly changing herself in relationships and when it was time for her to get married, she would be conflicted because she knew she wasn't being herself so she would run.

And that's happened to me so many times, I've always changed myself for people and when it's time for me to commit to them I can't because I know that I'm not being myself so I runaway. In the end of the movie she meets the right guy for her and she still runs because even though he knows the real her, she doesn't know herself. That movie taught me that I need to learn who I am before I can try to let someone else get to know me.

In the movie Something Borrowed, it's a movie about this lady that is in love with her best friends fiance and (spoiler) they end up together. The reason why it touched me so much was because they both had to do something that was so hard in order to be happy. They had to disappoint their family in order to be happy.

I've been faced so many times with situations where I've been so afraid to do something because of the people who possibly would be mad at me or who I would disappoint. But I've come to the point in my life where I have to do things, I have to follow my soul in order to be happy and everyone may not be happy with the decisions I make, and that's ok.

When I watched Crazy Stupid Love, it was just a reminder that when you love someone and when you want something you fight for it, no matter what. Don't let anyone come in between you and what you want, follow your heart.

Ughhh I'm filled with stupid lovey dovey feelings over these movies and it's awesome! I'm really excited to keep exploring and spending time with myself and finding out more things about myself and trying to learn who I am as a person and Christian in this world.

Over and Out folks. Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. <333

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