Sunday, September 6, 2009

My family

Holy crap
I miss my family so much
It's not as bad as it was freshman year when I cried a lot
I know this because
I have yet to cry once this year and I'm proud of myself
I'm going to list everyone and say why I miss them so much
Why? you ask
because I'm obnoxious like that
Dad: I miss this old gnarly man so much it's ridiculous..he keeps me so grounded I don't know what I would do without him in my life..he keeps me positive and helps me to always refocus my life on God
Mom: This crazy little spit fire I'm so much like her it's silly and that's exactly why we butt heads sometimes because were exactly alike but she's fabulous and amazing one of the wisest women I know wouldn't of made it this far without her.

Debbie: My only sister I love her so much...and I didn't realize how much until she was almost gone this summer....I would be a mess without her..I love her for giving me to amazing nephews and such a super cool brother in law she means so much to me

Matthew: Such a cool older brother always watches out for me and has my best interest at heart I also adore him for blessing me with two more awesome nephews and an amazing sister in Law who is always there for me when I need her she always has my back I love it

Jesse: You crazy little bastard he always shows me that it's ok to make mistakes every now and then as long as you right them eventually...I'm so proud of him for finally getting his life on the right path and I hope him and his new wife have a great life together.

Jason: Though we used to fight a lot I love this little jerk a lot and he's getting married soon and I know that him and his wife will have a great life together I hope he knows how much he means to me.

Gabriel: my awesome twin and best friend out of all my siblings I'm so happy he's visiting tomorrow. I love his personality and how he always apologizes when he thinks he did something wrong he's such an amazing person I'm so happy he's my twin

Corey: Last but certainly not least...he's such a smarty pants it can be so annoying but he's the artist in the family...the thrill seeker and the one that's always trying to figure something out I love him so much and I hope one day that I have a son just like him

But seriously though I miss my nephews Dominic and Devin so much...I miss Jacob and David as well but I don't have pictures of them so heres Domo and Devin =]
Devin as the ringbearer at Matts wedding

Devin and Dominic when they were 2 and 4

Devin, Domo and Nathan there cousin at my graduation
my loves

My family means more to me than anything in this world...all I want is for all of them to be happy and to have everything that they ever dreamed for....I pray that God gives them the desires of their hearts and that he always watches and protects them...I pray that they always follow his will and use him as there steering wheel and not the spare tire...I hope they know that I love them more than anything on this earth and would give everything for them.

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