Saturday, September 5, 2009

500 days of summer

So last night I cried.....twice. I cried because I went to go see this movie called 500 days of summer and I must admit that it was one of the best movies I've ever seen. It took you on this cool ride of emotions from being happy to sad to laughing hysterically I just can't get over how great that movie was. I think it made me cry for the same reason why he's just not that into you made me cry...a lot of the characters just remind me to much of myself. In he's just that into you Gigi pretty much encompasses everything that I am as a person. I over think things when it comes to relationships and it's really annoying and I wish I wouldn't do it but I can't help it. Also I'm a hopeless romantic just like Gigi and Tom from 500 days of summer. I know that things will work out for me one day I'm just not quite sure how or when it'll happen. After seeing that movie last night it showed me just how high I always set my expectations and it never matches up to reality and I think I'm ok with that. One day my life will be better than expectations and I won't want to sleep anymore because reality will be better than my dreams. But right now I'm happy with the way my life is going I have a group of some really amazing friends that aren't perfect by any means but they're the perfect people for me. I have the best family in the universe and I miss them all very much and I'm on my way to loving myself one day hopefully very soon. I'm excited for the way that my life is headed, I'm ready to be happy with myself and this life that I was blessed with. I think it all just comes down to me accepting the fact that I am Tom and Gigi wrapped up in one and I'm ok with much as I used to complain I'm so grateful for the life that God blessed me with and I'm stoked to be the women that he created me to be.

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