Friday, July 6, 2012

Sir Lancelot.....

So I got a new computer today and I'm very excited because my old one was not cutting it any more but anyone who knows me really well knows that moving on isn't really easy for me either.

I'm laughing right now because I know that this sounds ridiculous but when I got my first laptop about four and a half years ago I named him Sir Lancelot of Shire town. Ever since then we've had a pretty fantastic relationship.

When he broke about two years ago for the first time, I was absolutely devastated and literally cried for an hour until my parents told me that they would get him fixed right away.

I know it sounds silly, so silly, but stick with me here. When people I know use my computer I would always make them introduce themselves to Sir Lancelot first so that he could get to know them before they started using him, it was our little routine.

Now I have new computer and things are going to be totally different, today my best friend asked me what I'm going to name it and I have no idea. I just feel so bad replacing Sir Lancelot.

Hahaha, I'm literally laughing out loud over how crazy I might sound right now, but it's ok lol. I just love that computer, he's been around for a lot. I wrote my first blog entry on that little guy, I cried typing on him, I've taken my fair share of naps with him and now I have to let him go.

The coolest part is that I won't be throwing him away but instead I'm going to donate him to a children or youth centre so that someone can get some use out of him.

So long dear friend, I hope that someone treats you better than I ever did.

Love you Sir Lancelot, you'll always be royalty to me.

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