Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Racism in 2012.

One thing that I never really write about is racism. It's something that though I've had to deal with it at times, has never really made a huge impact in my life. I've grown up around people of different races my whole life and have always felt like I've belonged even if I was the only black person in the room.

I read an article recently about a black man that was saying that he feels like now that we have a black president he can't talk about racial issues anymore. A lot of people think that since our president is black that there is no longer racism in our country, that's not true.

I feel like our generation has come so far since our parents and grandparents generations. We've learned to love each other and accept each other as one, no matter what we look like and that's incredible to me. But there are still people in this world who have stereotypes and embedded prejudices against people who look different than them.

Racism is something that really hurts me to my heart. When people talk to my sister who is in an interracial marriage and has three children and tell her that her kids will have a hard time choosing which race to be friends with, it kills me. Why do people even think like that? It's so hard to understand, because believe me I really do try to see where they're coming from. I understand that they way you were raised affects what kind of adult you are but what I don't understand is why they're raised like that in the first place.

I just think about the future and I'm nervous. They're are so many people who have good intentions and good hearts but they always seem to be forgotten or overshadowed by those with ill intentions.

Like I said before this is not a topic that I like talking about a lot. I think that I let myself get to upset and hurt over it and it hinders me from thinking about it in an objective manner. I just think that it's a problem that our society still faces and that it should be dealt with before tragedies happen not during them.

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