Sunday, August 8, 2010

A rare occurrence

This weekend me and my best friend, had the time of our lives with three really amazing guys. Some guys that two years ago, had someone told me that we would be going on vacation with them, I honestly wouldn't of believed them.

Today before we checked out of the hotel, one of the guys said something to me and Leah that made me think.He said "There aren't many girls like you and Leah out there, you guys are a rare occurrence." When he said that it not only made me feel good about myself, but it also made me think.

Every single time Leah and I have spent time with guys, that we don't necessarily know that well, or rather don't hang out with a lot, they always tell us that they've never met girls like us before. They tell us that there is something different about us.

This weekend before we went on the trip, I told Leah that I wanted to change certain things about myself, and go back to being the person that I used to be. I also told her that there was something that I wasn't going to do on the trip, and somehow, I don't know how, I stuck to my word and didn't do it. I won't go into what it was but...let's just say it was a first for me, so you should be very proud.

But I digress, It's just so nice to realize that someone recognizes all the hard work that my parents put into raising me, and also all the hard work Leah and I put into being the people we are today. There's something that I decided that no matter what I'm not doing anymore, and that's I'm not fooling around with guys that I don't have some sort of a relationship with. Now I've said this before, but I never proclaimed it out loud and wrote it down, so here I am writing it down, as I proclaim it out loud.

Being this new me is going to be hard, and I know that it will leave me with a lot of hurt feelings, but in the end it will make me feel better about myself and the person that i am. I always want people to tell me that I am a rare occurrence, I never want to be like everyone else, I want to always be true to myself.

So any who, this weekend was great, and I'm pretty sure that this has turned out to be the best summer of my life so far. I'm looking forward to the pain and tears that I'm going to have to go through, to live everyday of my life as the person that I want to be, surrounded by people who are just as motivated and driven as I am.

I'm really happy. Over and Out. Nik

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