Monday, February 22, 2010

A day I never want to forget

Yesterday was a great day. Sometimes I get really emotional,sometimes it's when I'm super sad and then other times it's when I'm uberly happy, and yesterday was the latter. Me and some of my closest friends went to go see a John Mayer concert and it was literally one of the best days of my life


I always get excited when I know that I'm going to see something that is possibly life changing, and yesterday was no exception. I had butterflies all day and I couldn't believe I was seeing one of my favorite artist in concert. It didn't hit me that I was seeing him until the minute he walked out on stage. The first song he sang was the first track off of his new album Battle Studies called Heartbreak Warfare, the minute I heard his guitar and saw his face I started crying.


Besides the fact that I think John Mayer is a beautiful man, he's absolutely gorgeous, he's also unbelievably talented and humble. Recently interviews have kind of put him in a bad light but no matter what you have to always give someone a chance, and I'm so happy that I didn't let those interviews hold me back from attending the concert. My favorite parts of the show was when he would stop singing and just jam with his band. They all would play their instruments and jazz out to the music to the point where you could tell they had a passion for it and couldn't be happy doing anything else.


Mayer played all of my favorite songs and when he sang, slow dancing in a burning room and Gravity, those were the times where I really broke down because I just couldn't believe it was really happening. This may sound like crazy fan talk but I just kept saying to my friends I can't believe we're in the same room as John Mayer right now. You get so used to seeing people on TV and in magazine that you forget they're human just like you, they eat, drink and sleep just like you. You forget that after they get off stage and go into their hotel rooms there no different than you. After the John Mayer concert I felt inspired and excited about all the places I was going. This may sound dumb but I left the concert with this new sense of hope knowing that one day I'm gonna be thanking fans for coming to see me perform in shows.


One thing that John Mayer said that really stuck with me was how he's learned that for his fans, when they buy tickets for his concerts, they're more than just tickets. But instead he referred to them as a Ace in the hole or a Ace in your back pocket. Whenever your having a bad day or something is going wrong you remember that ticket you have for that concert and you feel better. John Mayer was the Ace in my back pocket for four whole months and every time I got upset I thought about it and knew that for one night I would be happy, and I was.


"8 out of 8 band members agree, Philly is always an awesome show. XO J"

1 comment:

  1. humble? i disagree but I'm happy you had such a good time dear!
