Friday, January 29, 2010


I was walking to my class the other day, and there was a hint of snow on the ground. I was feeling like a little kid trying to stomp as hard as possible to see if I would leave foot prints in the ground. The idea of a path behind me portraying exactly where I had stepped was intriguing and exciting to me. I turned around with a glance full of expectancy waiting to see my footprints, and saw nothing. It caught me off guard because I saw faint traces of footprints around me but my own were non existent. It left me thinking, if I were to die today what footprints would I leave behind in this world. Or most important what footprints would I leave behind in the lives of all the people that I've encountered in my life. All the people that I spent years with or even moments, would they remember more than just my face. I want to leave behind my laugh, I want people to remember how I made them laugh, I hope to leave behind my positivity and thirst for life. I hope people remember how I pushed them to be the best that they could be at everything. I hope people remember my heart for God and how though I fell many times I always yearned and ran back to him. I hope people remember more than my face, instead I wish for them to remember the footprints I left and the impact my life had on the people around me.

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