Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Interracial dating

Yesterday I came across a blog, don't ask me how I got there because I'm still not sure myself, I won't say the name of the blog but it's all about interracial dating. The person that started the blogs goal is to help people to start dating out of their and show them how it's done.

"Ok, this is just weird," I thought to myself and made the mistake of searching google to see if there were more websites like this, unfortunately there are.

Now don't get me wrong I'm all about dating whoever you want, if you like someone then you should definitely go for it. I don't discriminate, if I like you that's all the matters.

But what really grinds my gears is when people make interracial dating into this huge dramatic debacle. Something that you have to be trained to do in order to make sure you do it the right way and how you need to act in order to captivate and attract someone from another race.

In my honest opinion it's all just a bunch of crap. If you have to change the way you act to attract someone, then guess what, they're not the right person for you. People are people, it doesn't matter what color they are on the outside all that matters is that they bleed red.

I just thought that it was so silly to think that people seriously search out advice and become experts at teaching people how to cross racial barriers when dating. I mean seriously if you see someone you like, talk to them it doesn't matter if their black, white, Asian or whatever.

I grew up around so many different types of people that my whole life race has never really been a factor for me, especially not when it comes to who I want to be with. My sister married a white guy, my older brothers married Native American girls and I still have yet to figure out what the heritage is of my other sister in law but the point is, love is love and it sees no color. You don't need an expert to tell you how to go after the guy you want, just do it.

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