Sunday, November 7, 2010


I was thinking about premarital sex the other day (random topic i know) and I was just sitting there in the car thinking about all the reasons why I want to wait till I'm married to have sex. Ever since I was at least ten I've known that I wanted to wait until I was married to have sex. It's just always been something that I've wanted to do but today a new reason presented itself to me.

When you have sex outside of marriage you open yourself up to the possibility of getting pregnant. If you're like me and you dont believe in abortion that means that you're going to end up with a child. Since 9 times out of 10 when you get pregnant young you don't marry your childs father that means you're going to have kids that have different parents.

I'm one of seven and my siblings and I all have the same mother and father. My parents never had any kind of baby mama drama and I never had to worry about my brothers or sister being away for weekends visiing their other families.

I never want to ever do that to my children, I want all of my children to have the same father. I grew up in a household where I knew that my parents not only loved me but they also loved each other, and I want that for my children.

I want the person that I have children with to be the person that I spend the rest of my life with and the person I lose my virginity to. So pretty much one of the newest reasons for why I'm still a virgin is because I want it all and I plan to have it all.

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