Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A modern day love story

Today I came back from New York City with a story to tell. A story about a girl and a boy and a love that grew that will last a lifetime. Yesterday March 15th 2010 I met a boy, and his name is Grant. Now one thing you must understand about this boy is that he wasn't just an ordinary boy. I met him by chance is a session called "Life at a literary journal" he was sitting in the back, and I sat beside him.

Grant was wearing an orange plaid shirt, straight leg light jeans and brown shoes. I was automatically drawn to his tattoos and sense of style but, guys like that, I thought, are out of my league. The session hadn't started yet and I was waiting for my chance to start talking to him, I almost complimented his shirt, then his shoes, and then his jeans, but I ended up instead complimenting his tattoo. I said "I really like that tattoo on your hand," he replied thanks and I followed up with "What made you get a tattoo there?" He then began to tell me a story about how when he was a child he gave himself a tattoo so when he got older he covered it up with something nicer. I was hooked at that moment.

We then began to chit chat about all the tattoos he had, 7, and then the session started. This session was horribly boring and I began to talk to him about how bored I was. he laughed with his deep full voice and said he was as well. He laughed at all of my stupid jokes, that I usually only make with true friends, and didn't roll his eyes or call me immature for pretending the speaker was a T-rex. After the session I said it was nice meeting you and began to walk away, but he followed up with, is it lunch time yet? This led to me telling him no, and him starting up a conversation and spending the next two hours with me in the next session.

Now I must add that this man was beautiful and all of my, way more gorgeous than me, friends agreed. And the thing that baffles me is, he wasn't interested in them, but for once, the handsome guy was talking to me. We talked down the escalator and cracked jokes through the entire Keynote speaker session and we even cracked jokes as he gave me his number. We were supposed to hangout that night but we ended up not being able to, thinking that he blew me off I ignored him when I saw him at first the next day. But, just like I assumed a guy like him would, he approached me asking me how my night went, explaining that he fell asleep early. We talked for a little and not sure if we'd see each other again we embraced, and it was nice.

Now one would think that after reading this story, that the love alluded to in the title was between Grant and I but it actually wasn't. Don't get me wrong Grant is handsome and charming and thinks that the real Nicole is funny, which makes me adore him, but after today I feel in love with myself. From the moment I met Grant I was completely ME, and that has never happened with me and a guy before.

I've always pretended at first to be this really sarcastic or really smart or super hilarious Nicole, instead of the Nicole that is a balanced mixture of the three. I didn't hide my weird side and didn't text him over and over or stress when he didn't end up hanging out with us. I saw that I finally was spending time with a super gorgeous guy of my dreams, pretty much, and I didn't have to pretend to be someone else to do it. Today was a defining moment for me in the way that I will never pretend for a guy ever again.

If someone can't accept the weird, quirky, goofy, and outrageous Nicole that I am, than they don't deserve my time. Grant made me feel comfortable to be myself and I really appreciated that. I don't know if I'll ever see or speak to him again. But if I don't, it's fine, because I'll always have the memories of the first time I was truly able to be myself with a guy and not worry about how he would perceive me. The funniest part is that I never even considered being fake with him and he accepted me, the way that I am, and to me that's the definition of a modern day love story.

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