Thursday, March 11, 2010

Defining moment

You know that moment that happens, when you realize that the career that you've always wanted is actually starting to take off. When all the things that you've been chasing after are finally in your grasp, you can't actually grab it yet, but you can touch it.

I've been writing all my life, and since second semester freshman year, I changed from being a Pre-med major to being a Communication major, with the intent of being a journalist. I know that it was Gods plan for me to go into communication because the thought randomly came to me one night, that I should change my major to communication.

When I got the idea I didn't question it at all, I just said "wow communication, ok I can do that," and ever since then I've had my mind set on moving to New York City and writing for a major publication and being on Broadway.

Now it's like my dreams are actually coming true, I have the opportunity to interview some people that are on a prestigious level of success in their industry and I can hardly believe it. I have to give all the thanks to God for bringing so many people into my life that can help me in my field. Also for giving me the drive and initiative to become more than what I grew up around. I hope I never forget the feeling that I have right now, I'm actually going to make it and if I keep holding on to God there won't be anything that can hold me back.

1 John 4:4 Greater is he that is in my, than he that is in the world.

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