Saturday, December 24, 2011


So I just had a really great talk with my parents and if it weren't for Up with People helping to improve my communications skills it never would have happened. But we were able to talk about why I was upset about something and then from there we talked about other things that I've been wanting to talk to them about and it was really nice.

I saw my bill that had all of my school loans on it and it's no where near as much as I initially assumed it would be. Which makes me really happy. I know that I could have them all paid off by the time that I'm 25 so that's my goal. I want to work with Up with People after I graduate and put most of my paycheck towards paying off my students loans so hopefully after I'm done with that chapter of my life I'll be debt free.

Also my parents and I talked a lot about God and how important it is to put him first in life. I really want to work hard on building my relationship with God before I graduate college and am placed into the real world. I want to learn discernment and know when something is in God's will for my life and try not to just do things because I want to do them.

One thing my dad said, well two things my dad said, that really struck with me were, one, You have to build up your spirit man before your faced with a difficult situation. If a person has to lift 100 pounds they're not going to start working out the day that have to lift all of that weight but instead way before, so their body is trained. The same goes with building your spirit man, you have to train it before a difficult situation presents itself so your able to fight it.

The second thing he said that I really like was, God's plans for your life are way better than the plans that you have for your life. That was really encouraging to me because I think about all the cool things that I want to do in life and if God will take me farther than that then I want to stick with God's will.

I really want to learn a lot of things in these six months that I have in school. I want to devote time to my school work to make sure I get the best grades possible. Also I want to devote time to my body, I want to work out and continue to eat healthier than I did before. But most importantly I really want to take time out to build my relationship with God so that when I get into the working field I have a strong foundation to stand on.

Thank you God for today, it was awesome. <333

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