Saturday, December 10, 2011

Almost over...

The day that I've been avoiding for the last six months is right around the corner and I can't believe it's here already. This trip has been absolutely incredible and I can't even put into words that things that I've seen and the effects that it's had on me.

We talked to Elementary school kids in Mexico and told them that when they get older they can change the things that they hate about Mexico. We went to the slums in Manila and played with the kids and showed them that there are people in the world that care about them.

I learned that integrity and character are the most important things not only for a person but for a show as well. I've learned that the world is so much bigger than me but that doesn't mean that I can't do small things to make a big impact in some peoples lives.

I'm so sad to say goodbye to all of the people that I've met and grown so attached to here but as Paul Conzemius said to us last night, "Cast B it's time for you to go home." It's time for me to go home and to change the things in my town and my community that I don't like.

I'm going to always remember the advice that Sarah Rychlik gave us, she said don't jeopardize the people that we've become just because it's easier to go back to the people we were before we got here. At first I was super afraid of that but now I know that I'm not willing to change the person that I've become or let go of all of the things that I've learned.

I'm not afraid of saying bye to my friends because I know that no matter what we'll be friends forever. We have such a deep connection, I can talk to them about anything and that means so much to me. I know that they'll never judge me and even though we might be far apart at times that doesn't mean anything because we'll always have what we have right now.

No matter what everything is going to be fine and I have to remember that, Oh the places you'll go....everything will be fine.

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