Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Today, today,today. So I've discovered something else that I really do not enjoy. I guess the word enjoy, is not really fitting for that sentence so instead I'll say that I discovered something that upsets me when it comes to relationships.

Inconsistency. I do not like when people are inconsistent. This goes for all kinds of relationships, my friends, family members and people who are interested in me, be consistent. Don't text me one day and then not talk to me for a million days after that and then call me and ask me why we never talk.

If you want to be in my life then be in my life. If you want to get to know me then get to know me. Don't say one thing one day and then do something completely different the next day.

I'm not asking to be number one in your life, heck I can't promise anyone that they'll ever be number one in my life but I would like to be considered important. I would like to know that I'm at least thought about every once in a while, I'm really not needy for attention or anything like that, but I do need consistency.

I need people in my life that won't leave me. So if you're going to come around, if you want to get to know me, then don't leave.....maybe that's too much to ask. I feel as if it is, but if that's what I need shouldn't I ask for it?

I can't take people coming in and out of my life, I mean I deal with it, I always do and I always will. But I don't want to deal with it if I don't have to, I know that no one can promise to me that they'll always be around, but I want people to know that if they think that they won't be around then don't even start a relationship with me, rather it be a friendship or anything more than that.

I don't have father issues or anything like that and I know that there are people in my life that will always be around and always have. And I hope that they know how much their consistency means to me and how much their love, time and affection means to me. Just spending time with them makes me happy and it means so much to me that they'll never leave me.

So pretty much what I'm saying is that I have great people in my life, that love me more than words can express. So if you want to be in my life but you think that you can't stick around, then stay away and don't waste your time because I don't need anyone coming around and confusing my life.


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