Sunday, October 10, 2010


For every action there's a reaction. Something is always the result of something. Someone pays for everything, and if we don't pay for our own actions then someone else will.

I've discovered that I'm at the place in my life where I stare at myself in the eyes everyday. I touch my own face and look at my own hands and feet and say to myself is this the person you want to be. And every day the answer is the same.

Perfect is not something that I would like to be. Instead I just want to be myself, I want to be the person that I'm supposed to be. Judgmental is not something that I would like to be either, instead I'm just trying to limit the types of people that I spend my time around.

When I wake up and I look in the mirror I've found that I've started really paying extra attention to my eyes. Looking into the depths of them and asking myself do I recognize the person staring back at me. The answer is always the same.

My answer, is always almost. Is the person in the mirror the person that you want to be, almost. Do you recognize the person in the mirror, almost. I've noticed that when it gets harder for me to make certain decisions, that how I know that I'm doing what I know is right.

When I'm the one saying no in a sea of "yes" then that's when I can raise my head high and be sure that I'm doing what I know is right. I'm a work in progress. I'm sorry to that I've had to push out of my life recently, but this work in progress needs a lot more simplicity in her life.

I needed to cut back all of the things that were adding unnecessary drama into my life and I think I'm close to being drama free. But I digress, I know that this time it's for real.

I'm going to give myself time to become a better person. I believe that soon when I look in the mirror I'll recognize the person I see and when I ask myself those questions again, my answer won't be maybe, but instead YES!

Xoxox Nik.

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