Wednesday, October 20, 2010

In your atmosphere

Anyone who knows me at all knows that I love John Mayer. I love his music, I love his style, I love the way he talks, I just pretty much love everything about the guy.

But I was just sitting here listening to one of my favorite songs by him it's called "In your atmosphere," and I was trying to evaluate why I like him so much. And I just said to my doll Natalie, I said "You know why I love John Mayer so much, it's because he just gets it."

And that's kind of the best way I can describe it, I feel like he just gets life. He gets what it's like to hurt and to love and to make mistake, after mistake, after mistake. He gets that and he writes and sings about it, so then everyone else not only can see that he gets it, but they can try and get it too.

It's so weird but, I don't know, there's something about that guy that I just can't get enough of, his music always seems to touch my heart. I'm really looking forward to seeing him in concert again one day.

xoxox Nik.

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