Friday, November 9, 2012

Something to live for....

I think that it is so very important to find something worth living for. I've spent so much time, I know I'm young and I'm only 23 but bear with me, I feel like I've spent a lot of my life searching for a substance, something that would stick.

When I was 16, I started to really grow in my faith and it became my core, the center of all that was important. It was so much for me, it still is, but from that I got a taste of how sweet life could be. From that I feel like I saw that there was so much lacking in other aspects of my life.

I was searching for so much, in the smile of a stranger and the arms of those that were so wrong for me, so wrong. I have no regrets, none whatsoever but man, do I feel weird sometimes when I think about the old times. The days where I didn't feel beautiful unless someone was telling me I was hot or making me feel wanted in all the worse ways.

These last few days I've been doing a lot of school projects here in Mexico and it's reminded me of the passion I have for life. I believe that anyone can be who and whatever they want to be, I believe in the power of the mind and the way it can determine how someones life goes.

I fully believe that if I wouldn't have had a change of mind I would not be where I am right now. I go through these phases where I lose track of what I'm living for. I get lost in the hooblah of everyday life and I let it become common place, I forgot that everyday is a new adventure and it's so full.

I remember when I thought that going out and dancing all night and feeling like the prettiest girl in the room was being alive. Today a young man looked me in the eyes and told me that he got our workshops and he could see that the point of it was to help him learn and appreciate other perspectives. At that moment, I felt more alive than I ever have dancing the night away.

Don't get me wrong, I love to dance and have a good time, I really do, but now it's just for fun and not to make me feel wanted or valued. I feel like I really truly have something to live for and I can't even describe how wonderful it feels.

Everyday I feel so alive.

What are you living for?

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