Friday, September 14, 2012


It has been weeks since I've written a blog and I feel a little weird inside because of it. Writing is such an outlet for me and to not have done it for so long has made me feel less like myself. So I apologize to anyone who reads this regularly and has been constantly greeted by the same post.

I came up with this motto this week or idea rather that has really helped me to stay motivated and driven throughout the day. Lately I've been going home completely exhausted and without energy and I've been so just not okay with being that exhausted. So I thought that instead of focusing on the negative I would focus on the positive. When I wake up in the morning my internal cup is filled to the brim with energy, positivity and talent so at the end of the day if I'm completely exhausted and feeling worn out then that is a wonderful thing.

The reason why I think that, is because I feel like if I go to bed dead tired and exhausted then that means that I released all of the energy and positivity that I woke up with into the world that day. If I go to bed full of energy and on a super high then that means that there is something that I had in me that should have been released into the world that day but wasn't.

I'm trying to work on being more positive and thinking of every single thing in my life as something that is a positive thing and not a negative thing. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can do this so that's it's optimistic and not fake in the way that I don't acknowledge bad things that go on in my life or in the world. So I'm searching for the happy medium but for now I just want to be more positive and not really think of the happy medium stuff.

I will try my hardest to write more because when I don't I miss it.

P.S. Pahsitivitee is a word.....maybe not. Positivity.

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