Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Two times

I saw a video today and the premise of the video was that a man should only enter a door before a woman on two occasions.

Now before I go into what those two occasions are let me first explain where I saw this video. It's on a website called Mens guide to love where men are stopped on the street and asked to give other men advice on love. It's actually one of the most interesting sites I've ever had the pleasure of coming across.

A lot of the men that are stopped and asked questions are young blokes that you would think would know nothing about love but they usually have a lot of knowledge to share. For this particular video that I'm referencing the man being interviewed was 29. He's a little older then the usual guys interviewed but the knowledge he shares is still valuable.

The first occasion when a man should enter a door before a woman is when they're entering a revolving door. The reason the man gave was because the man should bear the force of the door not the woman. She should be able to walk through the door with ease.

The second occasion is when entering a cab. A man should get in first so that he has to slide over to make room for the woman instead of the woman sliding over to make room for him.

When I heard the man say this it struck a cord in my heart. My whole life I grew up with a father that respected my mother and treated her so well and I've always wanted that for myself. I've always wanted to marry someone who was kind, courteous, respectful and a gentleman.

After hearing the man, whose name is Casey by the way, say that, it reminded me that chivalry isn't dead. It's actually far from being dead, it's just few and far between now a days, but I'm Okay with waiting.

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