Sunday, August 23, 2009

I've been walking in this same way


I like of random things like rain on a window. I like them because it makes me stop and find the beauty in simple things, it makes me take in the world around me and enjoy the things people might not see on a regular basis. I'm back at school now at it's going really great so far. I got to enjoy hanging out with Lindsey who is my only real friend at school. Don't get me wrong I hang out with a lot of people and am friends with bunches of people one knows me like she does and it's good to have that one true friend away from home. I need that here...theres so many fake people and there is so much unnecessary drama it's just super great to not have to worry about that with her. "Sometimes when I'm sad I cry but then the sun comes out and makes me happy again" That's a quote that my friend put on my door last year and it really made my day every time I saw it. Now I have it hanging up on the back of my desk and it really makes me feel good every time I see it. I like being happy I like smiling and laughing. I don't like being sad but it happens sometimes..thats why I surround myself with people that make me smile and are happy. I love my friends and will be expounding on how ""super"" they are sometime later in these blogs. tomorrow I start classes hopefully it'll all go great.

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