Sunday, December 8, 2013

The prayers of a dreamer.

I believe now, more than any other time in my life that youth have the power to change the world.

I don't mean that when they're older, the youth of today will change the world, I mean that right now, in our immaturity and young age that we can change the world. I believe firmly in the small world idea, I think that instead of trying to change the whole world try to change the world of one person.

I can buy a homeless person dinner and I didn't change the world but I strongly impacted his world and I think that's what real change is about. Real change is about using the resources you have to reach those around you and helping them to have the best life imaginable.

I didn't grow up rich, by any means, but if every child in the world grew up with at least what I had growing up, then they are set up for having a pretty good life. That's what I want for the world. I want other people, like me, a normal person from a normal middle class family,  to realize how much power they have to make a difference and to go out and change the world.

If I do it in my community, and you, yes you, do it in your community and empower others to continue that trend then before we know it the whole world will be reaching out their hands picking up and helping those less fortunate.

I think that we as humans were put on this world to help each other. I think that we were blessed with the breath of life so that we could breathe life into those that do not have what we have.

Stop waiting for someone else to do it, instead go out there and do it yourself. Change this world.,

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

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