Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Those that rest in peace

I'm from a generation that has become desensitized to violence and death. We have violently graphic and realistic video games that make kids think that you can shoot someone one minute and after pressing restart, play again with that same person.

We see movies where people are brutally murdered by vicious serial killers for no reason and by the end we realize the only plot line and focus of the movie is violence. We hear about people getting killed on the news on a daily basis and only when it seems really wrong are their uproars and protests.

I'm so sad. So unbelievably sad by the trend of the disregard for human life, in media. I found myself so sad this week reading about people who have passed away and I felt weird about being sad. Then I realized it's unnatural not to be sad about the lose of a human life.

life is so valuable, the most valuable thing anyone will ever have and when they lose that, even if you don't know them, that's devastating. Living in a society where someone dies and a week later we're making jokes about it, to I don't know, deal with the pain or continue with the trend hurts me to my heart.

I could go on and on about the way I see life and how that view has been influenced by my generation and how it directly conflicts with how my parents raised me but, that would take forever. Instead I just want to make a plea, to all the people that read this and anyone that may bring it up to their friends, human life is valuable. I'm valuable, you're valuable and every person you pass on the street has value.

The only way we will ever grow passed the pain and the hurt that we cause each other is by learning the value that we have and from that I think that we'll start to acknowledge the value in others.

Love is the movement.

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