Saturday, July 6, 2013

Grin and bear it

I believe that happiness is one of the hardest things to come across. Everyone, literally everyone in this entire world wants to be happy and if someone tells you that they don't they're a big fibber. So it's something that everyone is after and there's enough to go around and for each person it comes in different forms...but yet so many people are unhappy.

So many people have yet to find what fills them with real happiness. The kind of happiness that even when things are going horrible can make you feel warmth, the kind of warmth that starts in the bones and spreads outward.

So many search for their happiness in others, putting their precious time and priceless love into the undeserving just hoping for a glimpse of what real happiness is. It makes me so sad seeing all of the children in the world that go unloved. It hurts me to see adults that walk down the street living their unfulfilled lives going to jobs they don't like doing things they're not passionate about...too afraid to leave the unfamiliar to find true happiness.

I am so inspired by the people that take unbelievably big risks in order to be happy. The people who propose to their significant others on live television praying and hoping that they'll say yes. Those people who jump out of planes for a living, literally risking their lives everyday to jump out of a plane, because it makes them happy.

I think that's why so many people turn to drugs and alcohol because it fills that place for them and when they finally realize it's only a temporary fix they find themselves knee deep in addiction.

Happiness, it's defined as being "a state of well being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy," even the definition is beautiful.

Whatever it is that makes you happy, whatever fills you with that intense joy that overflows in your soul and seeps from your after it. Consume yourself in the things that make you happy and live a life worth living. People say that life is too short to be unhappy, well I say life is long and beautiful and you deserve to spend every last second of it immensely happy.

Don't grin and bear anything...instead just grin. Be happy.

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