Monday, January 16, 2012

Nicole 101 P2

I am an Enigma. I just learned that word a week ago, don't make fun, and I think it could be used to describe me. I confuse myself. But I do like a few things and there are somethings that I do know about myself that I'm going to try and list out.

I like candy. Sour cream and Cheddar chips. Swedish fish. Fried chicken and Watermelon with a side of black stereotypes. Pot stickers. Free food. Expensive food. Cheap food.

I love teddy bears especially one named Teddy and another named Wicked. I don't act my age, and I don't expect others to. I tell people that my favorite colors are Purple and blue but I think I like pink more than anything. I've cut my hair three times, each time it was shorter, every time I do it my self esteem raises a few notches.

Boys make me laugh. Cry. Yell. Angry. Happy. Girls annoy me. Keep me grounded. Remind me how much I hate competition.

My mom is wonderful and our similarities keep us constantly fighting but also quick to forgive and even quicker to tell the other how much we love them.

My dad is the one person in this world that can always keep me grounded no matter what.

My sister, is finally the role model I always needed her to be.

I'm finally the person that I've been wanting to be for a while. The cool thing about reaching goals is that you know that there is always another level that you can reach. You're never the best version of yourself, there is always something to improve. I want to keep improving myself and keep becoming better each year.

I love to feel alive. I try to do something that will give me a rush and make me feel full of life everyday. I'm falling in love with the wrong person, and it's okay.

I've learned how to make mistakes, more importantly I've learned how to pick myself up after. I've seen really beautiful things and very horrible things as well. I've learned that life is hard but you can't let it break you.

People say mean things when they're upset and recently I've learned that I'm surprisingly very forgiving of people in these situations when I'm the recipient of their anger.

I'm really happy. The happiest I've ever been in my life. Things aren't always perfect and in reality it rarely pans out the way that I plan but that's fine, in the end I'm still extremely happy and excited for life. I can't explain, God is great and life is wonderful.

Over and Out. Nik.

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