Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The dynamics of being dynamic...

One of the perks of having the awesome job that I have, is that I get to have an intern. My current intern is the 7th intern I've had since working for Up With People and he's a ginger from Belgium named Bert. You will be quizzed on the color of his hair later. 

Bert is awesome. He's quiet at first but the more you get to know him the more he opens up and gifts you with his personality. The reason why I'm writing about Bert is because one of his intern ship goals has challenged me to take a closer look at myself. One of Bert's goals is to be dynamic. defines dynamic as "pertaining too or characterized by energy or effective action." What a word. I can honestly say that it's not every day that I hear that word and when I do it sticks out in my mind. Since we started talking more frequently I've heard Bert say that word five times and each time I'm just like "wow, what a word."

So from that, I've found myself observing and trying to dissect the qualities of people that I consider to be dynamic. 

For example, Anderson Cooper. I respect him a lot as a journalist, I think that he's not only good at what he does but he also makes you care about what he talk about. He has a way of drawing people in and making them excited about whatever topic he's excited about. The man is dynamite and I think it goes without saying that I think he's dynamic. 

So what makes him dynamic. Well, when I analyze him  I think that his passion plays a large part in his charisma and energy. He loves what he does and he works everyday at his passion and that shows in the quality of his work. He's effective in what he does because he pursues topics and is focused, in my opinion, more on the process and less on the outcome. As a journalist in the beginning of his career with CNN, AC would pursue stories in such a dedicated way that it was clear that he just wanted the information so that he could write an article or present a news cast that was informative. He wanted America to be informed, whether he was the most watched journalist in the country or not was less important compared to citizens just simply being informed. 

So, how dynamic am I? Do I attach myself more to the outcome, forgetting the why with the process, or do I do my job because it's the right thing to do, regardless of how it turns out? 

How dynamic are you? Are you the kind of person that strangers meet and never forget? Do you leave impressions in peoples hearts long after they've encountered you? 

I feel like that's something everyone should think about. What kind of person are you and what kind of impact exactly are you making on the world? 

The dynamics of being dynamic.....Hey, believe me I don't have it down, but I will one day. And man, will that be the day. 

The funny thing is Bert is already more dynamic than a lot of people I know and he doesn't even realize it. 

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